This Delicious Bag Of Doritos Is Also An MP3 Player

Chip tune.
The history of mankind is largely guided by one unfulfilled goal: The desire to eat flavor-dusted tortilla chips and listen to superhero music at the same time. Though there have been some cumbersome attempts in the past, the time for this tech’s maturation has finally arrived.
As a promotion for Guardians Of The Galaxy, Doritos has just released a new bag of chips equipped with a headphone jack and a loaded MP3 player that plays the film’s soundtrack in full. The bag sports a picture of an ’80s-style cassette player on the front. And don’t think this one’s totally disposable—it’s actually got a rechargeable battery inside, so you can refill this baby with your favorite flavor (we recommend “Cool American”) for as long as you want. The bags will only be available for sale via Amazon on April 28.
Read more: It’s official: MP3s are bad for your health